Filed under: Dog accessories, Dog Fun | Comments Off on Handmade Dog ID Tag
Need a new dog tag? This darling one from Etsy is hand stamped and includes your dog’s name and your phone number.
The handmade dog tag includes a cute charm (in the display, it’s a paw print, but you can choose something else) and it’s made out of copper.
If boyish and rustic is more your dog’s style, this concave aluminum dog tag is sleek and modern. Plus, it comes with an adorable story about a pizza loving dog.
What kind of dog tag hangs from your dog’s collar? Something handmade or mass produced? And, even if your dog is microchipped, a collar and tag are still smart ideas just in case he decides to sneak out and hang with the neighbors.

Filed under: Dog accessories, Dog Fun | Comments Off on Dog toy box
And I thought Vance was spoiled because he has a toy box overflowing with toys… But, his box is cardboard (though I did cut a front opening so he can reach in more easily), and although I briefly considered covering it in wallpaper, it’s still just regular cardboard-box colored.
These dog toy boxes, on the other hand. They’re gorgeous! And they’d look really lovely in our living room. With intricate detailing and cute bun feet, they look like a regular piece of furniture.
Then again, if we brought one of these dog toy boxes home, my family would *really* talk about how dangerous it’s going to be when the hubster and I have kids.

Filed under: Dog accessories, Dog Fun | Comments Off on Cute dog collars
Looking for a one-of-a-kind collar for a dog? Always remember to look for something that’s been sewn extra securely, and that’s wide enough for your dog’s neck (the bigger the neck, the wider the collar). Your dog’s collar should always be fit carefully–not too snug and not too lose.
Vance has a knack for slipping out of his collar at the vet, so we use a choke chain then. The rest of the time, he’s fine wearing a leather collar.
This Weiner dog collar is just too adorable and would be perfect if you have a Weiner dog yourself. It’d also look pretty funny on a big dog.
This hand painted leather dog collar is a must-see. Perfect for the badder pooches in the world–or the ones who just like think they are.
And for a really girly dog, this Swarovski Crystal dog collar has plenty of bling. It’s available in other colors, too, but I couldn’t resist the pink. Of course, having a boy dog myself, there are no pretty pink dog collars in my future.
What kind of collar does your dog wear?