Filed under: Contests, Dog Fun, Dog giveaways, Free dog stuff | Comments Off on Free Dog Treats: Winner!
Sorry to be a bit late announcing the winner–we’ve been on the most marvelous dog-friendly vacation (which I’ll be telling you more about–since we took Vance along, I have some great tips on traveling with a dog), and I forgot that I hadn’t announced the winner of the free dog treats contest before we left. I used to generate the winning number out of six entries (you should definitely enter next time–your odds of winning this random draw were one in six!).
Before I announce the winner, I wanted to thank each of you for entering. It’s always a treat (forgive the pun ;-)) to read about *your* dogs and to get to know you a bit better. And, if you weren’t our lucky winner this time, don’t despair–there will definitely be future dog giveaways here at Good Dog Health.
Our winner was the person who wrote comment #5, Steve, who wrote:
My dog loves tangerines. She’ll do *anything* for one–it’s pretty funny. We’ve gotten her to climb ladders, bring in the newspaper, and learn all sorts of other tricks, all for a tangerine.
Hope your dog likes the Zukes Treats, too, Steve. I’ve emailed you for your mailing address so I can send you your prize. And I’d love to see a video of your dog climbing a ladder for a tangerine–how fun!
Sadly, no one took me up on the dog toy giveaway portion–all you had to do was be the first to post to your blog about the giveaway and you’d have won a free dog toy. So, that portion of the contest is closed without a winner. Watch for future giveaways here because they’re going to keep getting better and better!
Also, a word to potential dog giveaway sponsors: you’re more than welcome to offer a great dog product for a future giveaway, but I am looking for really specific types of things, so please don’t be disappointed if I decline. It’s important to me that I only give away and promote things that I feel good about, and that my dog loves.
Filed under: Contests, Dog Fun, Dog toy, Healthy Dog | 6 Comments »
Contest is now closed. Click here to see if you’re the winner.
It’s time for our next giveaway. This time, the winner will receive a bag of Zukes Treats in Vance’s favorite flavor. The prize is sponsored by me, myself, and I, and the winner will receive the prize directly from Amazon.
To enter:
Post a comment on this post with your dog’s favorite kind of treat.
Then, to score extra entries:
- Tweet the giveaway and come back here to post a link to your Twitter account. (Feel free to tweet whatever you’d like with a link to the giveaway. If you’re not feeling creative, you can tweet: “Free dog treat giveaway at Enter and Retweet!”)
- Post about the giveway on your blog and come back here to link to your blog. You can get one extra entry (for a total of two for blogging) if you also post a photo of your dog.
- Subscribe to the RSS feed and post a comment letting me know that you did. If you’re already an RSS subscriber, post a comment letting me know you’re already on the list–that’ll count too.
- Invite a friend to enter the contest and have them answer the question (their dog’s favorite treat) AND list your email address as their referrer.
- Digg this post (or use whatever social bookmarking tool you like) and post a comment with a link to your profile.
So, there you have it, you can score up to six chances to win the free dog treats.
And, the first person to blog about today’s giveaway will receive the Petsport Giant Tuff Ball. So, make sure to post your announcement about the contest and come back here and comment with a link to your blog.

So, make sure to enter for a chance to win the free dog treats, rack up all seven entries for the best chance, and if you blog about the giveaway, make sure to post here in a hurry so you might score that giant tennis ball.
Filed under: Contests, Dog Fun, Healthy Dog Food | Comments Off on Free dog treats
Today, I thought I’d tell you about our next Good Dog Health giveaway. We’ll be giving away my dog, Vance’s, favorite treats: Zuke’s Jerky. Don’t enter just yet, but make sure to stop by often to catch me when I first announce the giveaway–our first entrant will get a prize, too. (The other prize will be awarded randomly.) To be ready to score extra entries, sign up for a free Twitter account if you don’t already have one and start accumulating followers.
Zukes are delicious (I’m assuming–I’ve never actually tasted them myself ;-)) and soft so they’re perfect for stuffing into Kongs and sterilized beef bones. Vance will do just about anything for one and they’re easily breakable so that I can give him just a bit during training.
Now, tell me, what’s your pooch’s favorite treat?