How to brush a dog’s teeth

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Vance hates having his teeth brushed, but we all know that doggie dental care is really important to a dog’s overall health. So, in addition to the dental Kong and teeth-cleaning biscuits, we brush his teeth three times a week.

It seems like a good compromise for us–more often than that and we just never do it, less often and I feel guilty that I’m not taking good enough care of him.

But, today as I was wrestling with Vance and the toothbrush and the paste… I thought I’d see what’s on YouTube that might make the whole process less frustrating for both me and the dog.

Of the great videos available, this one was my favorite, though you’ll have to ignore the corney montage at the beginning. Enjoy this video on how to brush a dog’s teeth! And if you have any tips for making it easier, please feel free to share.

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