Note to Drug Companies: Stay Away From Vets!

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I recently took my dog into the vet for his annual checkup and to say that I was offended by the sales pitch the vet used for “anti-anxiety” meds for my dog’s separation anxiety treatment… Well, that’s putting it lightly.

Supposedly, this stuff has *no* side effects, no drawbacks, no allergic reactions, and absolutely no reason why every dog on the planet (and not just those with severe separation anxiety) shouldn’t take it. After all, it’s just a dollar a day.

Turns out, he not only misrepresented the price (it comes to $1.75/day, or nearly twice his quoted price), he also misrepresented everything else about the pills. Dogs have had seizures as a result of this medication according to the drug company’s own literature. Dogs have had to be put down because of bad reactions to the drugs. And I only found all of this out after buying the medication and watching the accompanying DVD. Oh, and it’s only been successful with about 60% of separation anxiety cases.

I called my vet immediately to give him a piece of my mind and he was really sheepish and admitted that he had just been telling me what the sales rep had told him. He’d just been so happy to have an option when I described my dog’s separation anxiety issues to him that he didn’t stop to consider that he hadn’t yet read all the materials.

I won’t be taking my dog back. That being said, I can’t say that I’m surprised that he hadn’t taken the time to read all of the literature himself–vets are terribly busy and don’t have oodles of time to pour over drug information.

I don’t think that’s an adequate excuse–the drug the vet prescribed could have KILLED my dog–but I do understand how it happens. (Which is why I’m not calling the vet out here–I do believe he was genuinely sorry and that he is unlikely to sell this particular drug for patient’s separation anxiety issues in the future.)

The real problem is the pharmaceutical company’s marketing. They know we love our dogs and that we’re willing to do what it takes to keep them healthy, and because they’ve been legislated so extensively with people medication, it looks like they’re going to turn their attentions to our dogs. It’s up to me (and you!) to be extra vigilant; until vets start reading very carefully before prescribing all medications, they won’t necessarily be advising you in a way that’s safe for your pet. Instead they may be relying too much on the pharmaceutical company’s marketing copy.

Keeping your dog healthy is your responsibility. Don’t let your vet talk you into medication that’s not right for your dog. Insist on knowing all of the drawbacks and studies before paying for the drugs, and insist that you’re able to bring them back (before giving them to your dog, of course), if when you get them home you just don’t feel right about using them. Sometimes drugs are necessary, for both people and our pets, but the wrong drugs can make a problem worse, so it’s up to each of us to be careful about what we put in both our own bodies and in our dog’s bodies.

And stay tuned to learn how I’m dealing with my dog’s separation anxiety issues in a natural and holistic way.

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